About us



État de choc is a metaphorical adoptive country for everyone who loves chocolate. It’s a land to be explored at leisure, where curiosity is the only passport you’ll ever need. It’s a nation that welcomes you with open arms. Its culture celebrates education, transparency, innovation and pleasing the senses. It’s a vibrant community that enjoys nothing more than exploring the flavours of the world, making delightful flavour memories time and again.



The approach

There’s a good reason why absolutely everything that goes into making our chocolates is subject to État de choc’s exacting scrutiny: it gives us incredible pleasure.

We are extremely serious about how and where we source our ingredients, because our ambition is to be, at all times and for every product, completely transparent and traceable. Fruits, spices, nuts: we’re on a first-name basis with all of them, because they’re citizens of our state.

100% of our couverture chocolate, whether sourced commercially or from artisans, is selected with utmost care to ensure that it meets our commitment to you: zero compromises on quality and traceability. We work as closely as possible with local and foreign artisans, and we strive to collaborate with every important player in the chain.



Our mission

We have an all-consuming passion for chocolate, and we’ve made it our mission to share our knowledge, discoveries and chocolaty favourites. We’re committed to making the planet’s very best cocoas and chocolates available to all, and to giving the public a chocolate experience that’s nothing less than mind-blowing.


A team of experts

État de choc is a passionate team of experts serving both individuals and companies. When it comes to chocolate treats, gifts, special events or chocolate-filled evenings, our customized service can be tailored to any need.

The shop

A luxury chocolate shop where good taste and great flavours go hand in hand in every way: traceable cocoa, industry transparency and the ultimate in chocolate. Located on Saint-Laurent Boulevard at the corner of Beaubien Street, the shop’s design is both minimalist and warm, and entirely dedicated to divine chocolate. It’s sure to win your heart.


A welcoming community space

État de choc is also a gathering place for people involved in the industry. The fast-growing, wonderfully eclectic chocolate community is invited to come meet the public and participate in our new state’s democracy.