Sierra Sagrada - 100% chocolate, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Single origin 100% chocolate made with cocoa beans from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain in Colombia
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Made in: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Beans origin: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia


Sierra Sagrada's process begins with visiting cocoa farms and collection centers where the beans are processed. Once batches are verified under strict quality standards, direct purchase without any intermediaries is made from Arhuaco indigenous paying a fair price, generally above the competitive price offered by other buyers. The cocoa was obtained in a form of dried beans that were processed in accordance with the highest standards of chocolate-making. Later it is processed manually into pure dark chocolate bars with 64%, 72%, and 85% cocoa content. All bars have a very distinctive taste that reflects the differences in the original flavor of this mountainous massif. If you want to have an idea of how cocoa content can influence the taste of your chocolate, this collection is for you. 

Nutritional facts and ingredients

Ingredients: Cocoa mass

Weight: 50g

Vegan product. May contain traces of gluten and nuts.

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